Pro... You wandered into a herd of elephants. They have good memories and you're getting step on. Oh what elephant feet they have.
This has turn out to be a rather funny post.
I like Pushkin the Russian poet very much.
the points keep lining up.
daniel 8:23 identifies three.
characteristics of the "king" that will stand against the prince of.
Pro... You wandered into a herd of elephants. They have good memories and you're getting step on. Oh what elephant feet they have.
This has turn out to be a rather funny post.
I like Pushkin the Russian poet very much.
the points keep lining up.
daniel 8:23 identifies three.
characteristics of the "king" that will stand against the prince of.
Pro... you sound like you are really having fun, actually excited about all this. I am sure you are gaining more vocabulary with all this revelation that you are getting.
Reminds me of the time I told my Father,
"Dad I know this and this, and I can do this and this."Then he said, with his South Carolina, back-hills, southern blue-mountains drawl,
"Well son, the gov'na ought-a know you."
this question applies to those exjws who are at peace with god:.
do you now believe in the trinity?.
for myself, it took awhile for me to accept the trinity doctrine, but i finally came to believe!.
...the church teaches that God is outside of space time, without location.Well I wouldn't push a "strict" meaning of that thought on other people, as a teaching, especially to push the Trinity meaning, neither to explain anything else beyond that of mere conjecture.
The scriptures show us God has location in the Universe, thus he also is relative to some [physical] time frame, being within a physical universe--a thousand years as a day.
Now, if He were to exist outside the limits of the Universe(s), as perhaps he did before the time of Genesis 1:1 [before creating the heaven and the earth], I would conjecture that time and space would not be applicable characteristics in explaining God's "place."
Here, I am defining the universe as God's creation.
So, in a sense here, if God choose to be, he could be outside the bounds of time and space [movement implied]; that is, outside his created universe. I sometimes conjecture the universe to be the-house-that-God-built. He comes and goes into his house.
Anewperson... I would not consider a Pentacostal source of hype-driven information or worship[or mindset ] to be a reliable source of thought.
A tongue-driven way of worship opens the door for Satanic infiltration.
this question applies to those exjws who are at peace with god:.
do you now believe in the trinity?.
for myself, it took awhile for me to accept the trinity doctrine, but i finally came to believe!.
You might add the Heart [mind, will, emotions] to your list, which is what the Heavenly Father searches within each person.
Now, on the Trinity, realize please that Jesus and his Father are not the same by location. So they are separate by location. This should be easy to realize, right?
So, this leads us to look at the meaning of "Jesus being God," as such.Jesus is God by this means and only by this means:So, one should ask, Then just how is it that Jesus is supposed to be God, if they are in different locations."
That ALL the divine fullness of God WAS GIVEN to Jesus by his Father, his God, as the scripture says.So, if by this, one wants to say that Jesus is God, fine; but again, one must understand how it is that he is God.
What Jesus is, and what he has position over, as in everything in Heaven and in Earth, WAS GIVEN TO HIM by his Father.
The phrase everything in Heaven and in Earth does not mean he became higher than his Father, his own God.Everything... does not include the One who gave everything.
The giver is apart from this.
So, Jesus is over everything except his Father, his God.So, does Jesus ever give everything back to his God, his Father? YES he does, after his 1000 year reign. Then all things are again under God, his Father.
So Jesus and God are two separate persons, both divine, right. Jesus became a powerful God, but he is not his own God, his Father is.
There seems to be two types of Trinty argument:
(1) from those afraid to believe in the Trinity, and(2)from those not afraid to believe in the Trinity.
Well, it might help to realize that the Trinity is not a Divine Statement and it is not inspired of God. It came from a religio-political assemblage of men discussing their at-the-time beyond-the-scriptures belief system.
In this way one is free to really think for themselves and can discuss the topic in mutual sincerity, rather than trying to adapt to men's statements.
Moreover, I feel the Trinity goes beyond scripture, and adds to the word of God. It even has its own vocabulary and expressions, made by uninspired men.
following my note of jan 30 which detailed the way the society has been damaged during 2001 - .
un involvement rocks the society.
leaks from the elders school.
On the child abuse stuff, I made up 200 copies of what I wanted. I distributed them in my town to lawyers, schools administrator, welfare provision locations, to the local churches, to business on main street downtown, one to the local KH, and JW neighbors that I know and their neighbors around them.
I also advertised in a multi-county newspaper the why-1914 telephone number, as well as my home number.
I think a very key area would be the JW's close neighbors.I have done this, and the JW's would stare out their windows or come out on their lawns with crossed arms, high noses, and stiff glares.
I ask one what she wanted, and she asked back what I wanted [really dump response--she was two house yards away].I said if I wanted something, I would be over there.
This man started pointing his finger at her and the other JWs in the neighborhood, as he told me they were nice to him at first, as they studied with him; but now they don't talk to him cause he was not interested. Of course, I explained to him why.My interest in that man was to invite him to the little Baptist church that I attend. He said he went to another church, and guess what. I still speak to him. We have become friends.
Sometimes I live in Polson, MT. When I was there last I classified a Public Apology in the town newspaper stating that I used to be a JW, and now I apoligized for ignoring their Christian beliefs, as though they were all wrong---something to this affect.
are you a true apostate?.
heres a test that has been put together by the worlds top scientists to determine your true level of apostateness.. you recieve the latest watchtower and awake do you,.
a.devour its contents eagerly.. b.have a look to find the errors.. c.throw it in the bin.. d.cover it in petrol, set light to it and dance around praising satan.. how do yo feel about the elders ?.
I wonder if prostates go to heaven.
unfortunately, journalists are quite often braindead, and prints what they are told without checking the facts.
here is an exaple of a guy who should be fired for being absolutely hopeless!.
jehovah's witnesses: victory for human rights in eastern europe; christian religion sets legal precedent in bulgaria.. issue: oct 9, 1998. new york, oct. 9 /prnewswire/ -- after years of arrests, beatings, and loss of property, jehovah's witnesses have regained legal recognition in bulgaria.
It was my experience that the WT often provided a pre-written press release, and the press just used it because it saved them the time to write it.
About Journalist: Yep, as a pro writer myself, dem types don't have a lot of braids. Journal stuff is often a craft, rather than a professional writing advent. The pro's uaualy do the magzine stuff, wiht better information and thangs. many yall rite better.
following my note of jan 30 which detailed the way the society has been damaged during 2001 - .
un involvement rocks the society.
leaks from the elders school.
Well I do geneology a little for fun. I have tons of cousins that I have found. One was a good hit. I emailed them this site.
Here is what she had said before I emailed her this web location. Up to now, she had not known of this site. She wrote
Thank-you for this email. I have a family member of this faith and have watched as he turned his back on our family. I asked how he could represent an all loving God who accepts all sinners with every chance of salvation until their last breath. I appreciate a system of belief that allows me to think and grow as a child of God.If you have an email list why not just pass the URL onward?
how many of us would like to see wts brought to task for encouraging us to "go where the need is greater" and then not supporting our efforts or trying to subvert them by all means of organizational rules and regulations after our having gone through much pain and trouble to relocate our family and have suitable employment?.
or am i the only one who has experienced an abusive scenario in this regard?
I went to where the need was greater in North Minnesota once. I applied through my local congregation in Minneapolis for it to be official [They want to mysteriously control you to see if you are suitable are not to do something.]
They played around forever with giving me an answer, so I just traveled up there anyway by my own enthusiasm.
I went to the Thief River Falls town area. When I got there all I met was
an attitude of well who do you think you are coming into our area to help?
So, I just ignored them and got busy. I was there for two weeks. I cleaned out that KH of every small book they had [they resented me getting all their books]. I was placing 70 books about, every three days.
Eventually they accused me of giving the books away, which was a d---lie.
It was when the truth-book types were 20 or 25 cents. I stood in grocery store parking lots and went door to door rapidly and the apartment buildings and the downtown businesses.
I had a lot of fun doing it, and felt I was doing things for Jehovah. It was indeed a heart felt experience that made me feel happy and accomplished.
However, from that KH group I received sarcasms, suspicion, arrogance, and disrespect.
I am so glad I am free in Christ now matter to the police first.. what does the watchtower say?
note the 97 wt on direction for reporting what is bad:.
w97 8/15 26-30 why report what is bad?.
It can change allllll it wants, but it will never be the way to Christ, I am sure.
They have usurped the Holy Spirit and pushed aside Christ.
It was Satanical in origin and is driven so even now, and will be for evermore.